The Government is trying to limit the freedom of expression in the web to gain control of news websites. According to TRC sources specialists from China are due to visit the country soon to formulate firewalls. It will be made compulsory by the TRC for all news websites operating in the country to register with the Commission.
They are planning to adopt a similar system as followed by the Chinese Government to control information. According to the new system, news websites in the country should have to operate through an internet protocol address provided by the TRC. Meanwhile, the google search engine will also be blocked.
Funds for the new initiative in limiting freedom of expression will be taken from the Treasury on the basis of creating an internet super highway.
Freedom of Expression is one of the most important human right. Violations of other rights could be identified and expressed only if we have freedom of expression. Why is the Sri Lankan government trying to deny the right to freedom of expression?
For the question why? the answer is pretty obvious. Freedom of expression gurantees the citizens of a nation to question th government, hold government officials responsible and demand change. By taking steps to block one of the utmost rights the GOSL in ensuring to silence the voice of the very nation it took an oath to protect. With no knowledge, no assessment and no factual understanding what could the people hold government accountable for?